User Guide: Build & run the software


The Corstone-1000 software stack uses the Yocto Project to build a tiny Linux distribution suitable for the Corstone-1000 platform (kernel and initramfs filesystem less than 5 MB on the flash). The Yocto Project relies on the Bitbake tool as its build tool. Please see Yocto Project documentation for more information.


This guide assumes that your host machine is running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, with at least 32GB of free disk space and 16GB of RAM as minimum requirement.

The following prerequisites must be available on the host system:

  • Git or greater

  • tar 1.28 or greater

  • Python 3.8.0 or greater.

  • gcc 8.0 or greater.

  • GNU make 4.0 or greater

Please follow the steps described in the Yocto mega manual:


Yocto stable branch

Corstone-1000 software stack is built on top of Yocto scarthgap.

Provided components

Within the Yocto Project, each component included in the Corstone-1000 software stack is specified as a bitbake recipe. The recipes specific to the Corstone-1000 BSP are located at: <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/.

The Yocto machine config files for the Corstone-1000 FVP and FPGA targets are:

  • <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/conf/machine/include/

  • <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/conf/machine/corstone1000-fvp.conf

  • <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/conf/machine/corstone1000-mps3.conf

NOTE: All the paths stated in this document are absolute paths.

Software for Host

Trusted Firmware-A

Based on Trusted Firmware-A






Based on OP-TEE






Based on U-Boot repo








The distro is based on the poky-tiny distribution which is a Linux distribution stripped down to a minimal configuration.

The provided distribution is based on busybox and built using musl libc. The recipe responsible for building a tiny version of Linux is listed below.







Software for Boot Processor (a.k.a Secure Enclave)

Based on Trusted Firmware-M





Software for the External System


Based on RTX RTOS



Building the software stack

Create a new folder that will be your workspace and will henceforth be referred to as <_workspace> in these instructions. To create the folder, run:

mkdir <_workspace>
cd <_workspace>

Corstone-1000 software is based on the Yocto Project which uses kas and bitbake commands to build the stack. kas version 4 is required. To install kas, run:

pip3 install kas

If ‘kas’ command is not found in command-line, please make sure the user installation directories are visible on $PATH. If you have sudo rights, try ‘sudo pip3 install kas’.

In the top directory of the workspace <_workspace>, run:

git clone -b CORSTONE1000-2024.06

To build a Corstone-1000 image for MPS3 FPGA, run:

kas build meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-mps3.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml

Alternatively, to build a Corstone-1000 image for FVP, you need to accept the EULA at by setting the ARM_FVP_EULA_ACCEPT environment variable as follows:


then run:

kas build meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml

The initial clean build will be lengthy, given that all host utilities are to be built as well as the target images. This includes host executables (python, cmake, etc.) and the required toolchain(s).

Once the build is successful, all output binaries will be placed in the following folders:
  • <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-fvp/ folder for FVP build;

  • <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/ folder for FPGA build.

Everything apart from the Secure Enclave ROM firmware and External System firmware, is bundled into a single binary, the corstone1000-flash-firmware-image-corstone1000-{mps3,fvp}.wic file.

The output binaries run in the Corstone-1000 platform are the following:
  • The Secure Enclave ROM firmware: <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-{mps3,fvp}/bl1.bin

  • The External System firmware: <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-{mps3,fvp}/es_flashfw.bin

  • The flash image: <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-{mps3,fvp}/corstone1000-flash-firmware-image-corstone1000-{mps3,fvp}.wic

Flash the firmware image on FPGA

The user should download the FPGA bit file image AN550:  Arm® Corstone™-1000 for MPS3 Version 2.0 from this link and under the section Arm® Corstone™-1000 for MPS3. The download is available after logging in.

The directory structure of the FPGA bundle is shown below.

├── config.txt
├── MB
│   ├── BRD_LOG.TXT
│   ├── HBI0309B
│   │   ├── AN550
│   │   │   ├── AN550_v2.bit
│   │   │   ├── an550_v2.txt
│   │   │   └── images.txt
│   │   ├── board.txt
│   │   └── mbb_v210.ebf
│   └── HBI0309C
│       ├── AN550
│       │   ├── AN550_v2.bit
│       │   ├── an550_v2.txt
│       │   └── images.txt
│       ├── board.txt
│       └── mbb_v210.ebf
     ├── an550_st.axf
     ├── bl1.bin
     ├── cs1000.bin
     └── ES0.bin

Depending upon the MPS3 board version (printed on the MPS3 board) you should update the images.txt file (in corresponding HBI0309x folder. Boardfiles/MB/HBI0309<board_revision>/AN550/images.txt) so that the file points to the images under SOFTWARE directory.

The images.txt file that is compatible with the latest version of the software stack can be seen below;

;       Preload port mapping                    *
;  PORT 0 & ADDRESS: 0x00_0000_0000 QSPI Flash (XNVM) (32MB)
;  PORT 0 & ADDRESS: 0x00_8000_0000 OCVM (DDR4 2GB)
;  PORT 1        Secure Enclave (M0+) ROM (64KB)
;  PORT 2        External System 0 (M3) Code RAM (256KB)
;  PORT 3        Secure Enclave OTP memory (8KB)
;  PORT 4        CVM (4MB)

TOTALIMAGES: 3      ;Number of Images (Max: 32)

IMAGE0ADDRESS: 0x00_0000_0000

IMAGE1ADDRESS: 0x00_0000_0000

IMAGE2ADDRESS: 0x00_0000_0000

OUTPUT_DIR = <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3

  1. Copy bl1.bin from OUTPUT_DIR directory to SOFTWARE directory of the FPGA bundle.

  2. Copy es_flashfw.bin from OUTPUT_DIR directory to SOFTWARE directory of the FPGA bundle and rename the binary to es0.bin.

  3. Copy corstone1000-flash-firmware-image-corstone1000-mps3.wic from OUTPUT_DIR directory to SOFTWARE directory of the FPGA bundle and rename the wic image to cs1000.bin.

NOTE: Renaming of the images are required because MCC firmware has limitation of 8 characters before .(dot) and 3 characters after .(dot).

Now, copy the entire folder to board’s SDCard and reboot the board.

Running the software on FPGA

On the host machine, open 4 serial port terminals. In case of Linux machine it will be ttyUSB0, ttyUSB1, ttyUSB2, ttyUSB3 and it might be different on Windows machines.

  • ttyUSB0 for MCC, OP-TEE and Secure Partition

  • ttyUSB1 for Boot Processor (Cortex-M0+)

  • ttyUSB2 for Host Processor (Cortex-A35)

  • ttyUSB3 for External System Processor (Cortex-M3)

Run following commands to open serial port terminals on Linux:

sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0  # in one terminal
sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1  # in another terminal
sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB2  # in another terminal.
sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB3  # in another terminal.

NOTE: The MPS3 expects an ethernet cable to be plugged in, otherwise it will wait for the network for a considerable amount of time, printing the following logs:

Generic PHY 40100000.ethernet-ffffffff:01: attached PHY driver (mii_bus:phy_addr=40100000.ethernet-ffffffff:01, irq=POLL)
smsc911x 40100000.ethernet eth0: SMSC911x/921x identified at 0xffffffc008e50000, IRQ: 17
Waiting up to 100 more seconds for network.

Once the system boot is completed, you should see console logs on the serial port terminals. Once the HOST(Cortex-A35) is booted completely, user can login to the shell using “root” login.

If system does not boot and only the ttyUSB1 logs are visible, please follow the steps in Clean Secure Flash Before Testing (applicable to FPGA only) under SystemReady-IR tests section. The previous image used in FPGA (MPS3) might have filled the Secure Flash completely. The best practice is to clean the secure flash in this case.

Running the software on FVP

An FVP (Fixed Virtual Platform) model of the Corstone-1000 platform must be available to run the Corstone-1000 FVP software image.

A Yocto recipe is provided and allows to download the latest supported FVP version.

The recipe is located at <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm/recipes-devtools/fvp/

The latest supported Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP) version is 11_23.25 and is automatically downloaded and installed when using the runfvp command as detailed below. The FVP version can be checked by running the following command:

kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c "../meta-arm/scripts/runfvp -- --version"

The FVP can also be manually downloaded from the Arm Ecosystem FVPs page. On this page, navigate to “Corstone IoT FVPs” section to download the Corstone-1000 platform FVP installer. Follow the instructions of the installer and setup the FVP.

To run the FVP using the runfvp command, please run the following command:

kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c "../meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --terminals=xterm"

When the script is executed, three terminal instances will be launched, one for the boot processor (aka Secure Enclave) processing element and two for the Host processing element. Once the FVP is executing, the Boot Processor will start to boot, wherein the relevant memory contents of the .wic file are copied to their respective memory locations within the model, enforce firewall policies on memories and peripherals and then, bring the host out of reset.

The host will boot trusted-firmware-a, OP-TEE, U-Boot and then Linux, and present a login prompt (FVP host_terminal_0):

corstone1000-fvp login:

Login using the username root.

Using FVP on Windows or AArch64 Linux

The user should follow the build instructions in this document to build on a Linux host machine. Then, copy the output binaries to the Windows or Aarch64 Linux machine where the FVP is located. Then, launch the FVP binary.

Security Issue Reporting

To report any security issues identified with Corstone-1000, please send an email to

User Guide: Provided tests

SystemReady-IR tests

Testing steps

NOTE: Running the SystemReady-IR tests described below requires the user to work with USB sticks. In our testing, not all USB stick models work well with MPS3 FPGA. Here are the USB sticks models that are stable in our test environment.

  • HP V165W 8 GB USB Flash Drive

  • SanDisk Ultra 32GB Dual USB Flash Drive USB M3.0

  • SanDisk Ultra 16GB Dual USB Flash Drive USB M3.0

NOTE: Before running each of the tests in this chapter, the user should follow the steps described in following section “Clean Secure Flash Before Testing” to erase the SecureEnclave flash cleanly and prepare a clean board environment for the testing.

Prepare EFI System Partition

Corstone-1000 FVP and FPGA do not have enough on-chip nonvolatile memory to host an EFI System Partition (ESP). Thus, Corstone-1000 uses mass storage device for ESP. The instructions below should be followed for both FVP and FPGA before running the ACS tests.

Common to FVP and FPGA:

kas build meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-{mps3,fvp}.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml --target corstone1000-esp-image
Once the build is successful corstone1000-esp-image-corstone1000-{mps3,fvp}.wic will be available in either:
  • <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-fvp/ folder for FVP build;

  • <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/ folder for FPGA build.

Using ESP in FPGA:

Once the ESP is created, it needs to be flashed to a second USB drive different than ACS image. This can be done with the development machine. In the given example here we assume the USB device is /dev/sdb (the user should use lsblk command to confirm). Be cautious here and don’t confuse your host machine own hard drive with the USB drive. Run the following commands to prepare the ACS image in USB stick:

sudo dd if=corstone1000-esp-image-corstone1000-mps3.wic of=/dev/sdb iflag=direct oflag=direct status=progress bs=512; sync;

Now you can plug this USB stick to the board together with ACS test USB stick.

Using ESP in FVP:

The ESP disk image once created will be used automatically in the Corstone-1000 FVP as the 2nd MMC card image. It will be used when the SystemReady-IR tests will be performed on the FVP in the later section.

Clean Secure Flash Before Testing (applicable to FPGA only)

To prepare a clean board environment with clean secure flash for the testing, the user should prepare an image that erases the secure flash cleanly during boot. Run following commands to build such image.

cd <_workspace>
git clone -b CORSTONE1000-2024.06
git clone -b CORSTONE1000-2024.06
cp -f systemready-patch/embedded-a/corstone1000/erase_flash/0001-embedded-a-corstone1000-clean-secure-flash.patch meta-arm
cd meta-arm
git apply 0001-embedded-a-corstone1000-clean-secure-flash.patch
cd ..
kas build meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-mps3.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml
Replace the bl1.bin and cs1000.bin files on the SD card with following files:
  • The ROM firmware: <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/bl1.bin

  • The flash image: <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/corstone1000-flash-firmware-image-corstone1000-mps3.wic

Now reboot the board. This step erases the Corstone-1000 SecureEnclave flash completely, the user should expect following message from TF-M log (can be seen in ttyUSB1):


Then the user should follow “Building the software stack” to build a clean software stack and flash the FPGA as normal. And continue the testing.

Run SystemReady-IR ACS tests

Architecture Compliance Suite (ACS) is used to ensure architectural compliance across different implementations of the architecture. Arm Enterprise ACS includes a set of examples of the invariant behaviors that are provided by a set of specifications for enterprise systems (For example: SBSA, SBBR, etc.), so that implementers can verify if these behaviours have been interpreted correctly.

The ACS image contains a BOOT partition. Following test suites and bootable applications are under BOOT partition:

  • SCT

  • FWTS

  • BSA uefi

  • BSA linux

  • grub

  • uefi manual capsule application

BOOT partition contains the following:

├── EFI
│   └── BOOT
│       ├── app
│       ├── bbr
│       ├── bootaa64.efi
│       ├── bsa
│       ├── debug
│       ├── Shell.efi
│       └── startup.nsh
├── grub
├── grub.cfg
├── Image
├── ramdisk-busybox.img
└── acs_results

The BOOT partition is also used to store the test results. The results are stored in the acs_results folder.


FPGA instructions for ACS image

This section describes how the user can build and run Architecture Compliance Suite (ACS) tests on Corstone-1000.

First, the user should download the Arm SystemReady ACS repository. This repository contains the infrastructure to build the Architecture Compliance Suite (ACS) and the bootable prebuilt images to be used for the certifications of SystemReady-IR. To download the repository, run command:

cd <_workspace>
git clone
Once the repository is successfully downloaded, the prebuilt ACS live image can be found in:
  • <_workspace>/arm-systemready/IR/prebuilt_images/v23.09_2.1.0/ir-acs-live-image-generic-arm64.wic.xz

NOTE: This prebuilt ACS image includes v5.13 kernel, which doesn’t provide USB driver support for Corstone-1000. The ACS image with newer kernel version and with full USB support for Corstone-1000 will be available in the next SystemReady release in this repository.

Then, the user should prepare a USB stick with ACS image. In the given example here, we assume the USB device is /dev/sdb (the user should use lsblk command to confirm). Be cautious here and don’t confuse your host machine own hard drive with the USB drive. Run the following commands to prepare the ACS image in USB stick:

cd <_workspace>/arm-systemready/IR/prebuilt_images/v23.09_2.1.0
unxz ir-acs-live-image-generic-arm64.wic.xz
sudo dd if=ir-acs-live-image-generic-arm64.wic of=/dev/sdb iflag=direct oflag=direct bs=1M status=progress; sync

Once the USB stick with ACS image is prepared, the user should make sure that ensure that both USB sticks (ESP and ACS image) are connected to the board, and then boot the board.

The FPGA will reset multiple times during the test, and it might take approx. 24-36 hours to finish the test.

NOTE: The USB stick which contains the ESP partition might cause grub to unable to find the bootable partition (only in the FPGA). If that’s the case, please remove the USB stick and run the ACS tests. ESP partition can be mounted after the platform is booted to linux at the end of the ACS tests.

FVP instructions for ACS image and run

The FVP has been integrated in the meta-arm-systemready layer so the running of the ACS tests can be handled automatically as follows

kas build meta-arm/ci/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml:kas/arm-systemready-ir-acs.yml

The details of how this layer works can be found in : <_workspace>/meta-arm-systemready/

NOTE: You can’t use the standard meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml kas file as it sets the build up for only building firmware

NOTE: These test might take up to 1 day to finish

Common to FVP and FPGA

U-Boot should be able to boot the grub bootloader from the 1st partition and if grub is not interrupted, tests are executed automatically in the following sequence:

  • SCT


  • FWTS

The results can be fetched from the acs_results folder in the BOOT partition of the USB stick (FPGA) / SD Card (FVP).

NOTE: The FVP uses the <_workspace>/build/tmp-glibc/work/corstone1000_fvp-oe-linux/arm-systemready-ir-acs/2.0.0/deploy-arm-systemready-ir-acs/arm-systemready-ir-acs-corstone1000-fvp.wic image if the meta-arm-systemready layer is used. The result can be checked in this image.

Manual capsule update and ESRT checks

The following section describes running manual capsule updates by going through a negative and positive test. Two capsules are needed to perform the positive and negative updates. The steps also show how to use the EFI System Resource Table (ESRT) to retrieve the installed capsule details.

In the positive test, a valid capsule is used and the platform boots correctly until the Linux prompt after the update. In the negative test, an outdated capsule is used that has a smaller version number. This capsule gets rejected because of being outdated and the previous firmware will be used instead.

Generating Capsules

A no-partition image is needed for the capsule generation. This image is created automatically during a clean Yocto build and it can be found in build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>/corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>_image.nopt. A capsule is also automatically generated with U-Boot’s mkeficapsule tool during the Yocto build that uses this corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>_image.nopt. The capsule’s default metadata, that is passed to the mkeficapsule tool, can be found in the meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-bsp/images/ and meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-image-configuration.yml files. These data can be modified before the Yocto build if it is needed. It is assumed that the default values are used in the following steps.

The automatically generated capsule can be found in build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>/corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>-v6.uefi.capsule. This capsule will be used as the positive capsule during the test in the following steps.

Generating Capsules Manually

If a new capsule has to be generated with different metadata after the build process, then it can be done manually by using the u-boot-tools’s mkeficapsule and the previously created .nopt image. The mkeficapsule tool is built automatically for the host machine during the Yocto build.

The negative capsule needs a lower fw-version than the positive capsule. For example if the host’s architecture is x86_64, this can be generated by using the following command:

cd <_workspace>

./build/tmp/sysroots-components/x86_64/u-boot-tools-native/usr/bin/mkeficapsule --monotonic-count 1 \
--private-key build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>/corstone1000_capsule_key.key \
--certificate build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>/corstone1000_capsule_cert.crt --index 1 --guid df1865d1-90fb-4d59-9c38-c9f2c1bba8cc \
--fw-version 5 build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>/corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>_image.nopt corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>-v5.uefi.capsule

This command will put the negative capsule to the <_workspace> directory.

Copying Capsules

Copying the FPGA capsules

The user should prepare a USB stick as explained in ACS image section FPGA instructions for ACS image. Place the generated corstone1000-mps3-v<5/6>.uefi.capsule files in the root directory of the boot partition in the USB stick. Note: As we are running the direct method, the corstone1000-mps3-v<5/6>.uefi.capsule files should not be under the EFI/UpdateCapsule directory as this may or may not trigger the on disk method.

sudo cp <capsule path>/corstone1000-mps3-v6.uefi.capsule <mounting path>/BOOT/
sudo cp <capsule path>/corstone1000-mps3-v5.uefi.capsule <mounting path>/BOOT/

Copying the FVP capsules

The ACS image should be used for the FVP as well. Downloaded and extract the image the same way as for the FPGA FPGA instructions for ACS image. Creating an USB stick with the image is not needed for the FVP.

After getting the ACS image, find the 1st partition’s offset of the ir-acs-live-image-generic-arm64.wic image. The partition table can be listed using the fdisk tool.

fdisk -lu <path-to-img>/ir-acs-live-image-generic-arm64.wic
    Device                                Start     End Sectors  Size Type
       <path-to-img>/ir-acs-live-image-generic-arm64.wic1   2048  309247  307200  150M Microsoft basic data
       <path-to-img>/ir-acs-live-image-generic-arm64.wic2 309248 1343339 1034092  505M Linux filesystem

The first partition starts at the 2048th sector. This has to be multiplied by the sector size which is 512 so the offset is 2048 * 512 = 1048576.

Next, mount the IR image using the previously calculated offset:

sudo mkdir /mnt/test
sudo mount -o rw,offset=<first_partition_offset> <path-to-img>/ir-acs-live-image-generic-arm64.wic  /mnt/test

Then, copy the capsules:

sudo cp <capsule path>/corstone1000-fvp-v6.uefi.capsule /mnt/test/
sudo cp <capsule path>/corstone1000-fvp-v5.uefi.capsule /mnt/test/

Then, unmount the IR image:

sudo umount /mnt/test

Performing the capsule update

During this section we will be using the capsule with the higher version (corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>-v6.uefi.capsule) for the positive scenario and then the capsule with the lower version (corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>-v5.uefi.capsule) for the negative scenario. The two tests have to be done after each other in the correct order to make sure that the negative capsule will get rejected.

Running the FPGA with the IR prebuilt image

Insert the prepared USB stick which has the IR prebuilt image and two capsules, then Power cycle the MPS3 board.

Running the FVP with the IR prebuilt image

Run the FVP with the IR prebuilt image:

kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c "../meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --terminals=xterm -- -C board.msd_mmc.p_mmc_file=<path-to-img>/ir-acs-live-image-generic-arm64.wic"

NOTE: <path-to-img> must start from the root directory. make sure there are no spaces before or after of “=”. board.msd_mmc.p_mmc_file=<path-to-img>/ir-acs-live-image-generic-arm64.wic. NOTE: Do not restart the FVP between the positive and negative test because it will start from a clean state.

Executing capsule update for FVP and FPGA

Wait until U-boot loads EFI from the ACS image stick and interrupt the EFI shell by pressing ESC when the following prompt is displayed in the Host terminal (ttyUSB2).

Press ESC in 4 seconds to skip startup.nsh or any other key to continue.

Then, type FS0: as shown below:


Then start the CapsuleApp application. Use the positive capsule (corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>-v6.uefi.capsule) first.

EFI/BOOT/app/CapsuleApp.efi corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>-v6.uefi.capsule

The capsule update will be started.

NOTE: On the FVP it takes around 15-30 minutes, on the FPGA it takes less time.

After successfully updating the capsule the system will reset. Make sure the Corstone-1000’s Poky Distro is booted after the reset so the ESRT can be checked. It is described in the Select Corstone-1000 Linux kernel boot section how to boot the Poky distro after the capsule update. The Positive scenario sections describes how the result should be inspected. After the result is checked, the system can be rebooted with the reboot command in the Host terminal (ttyUSB2).

Interrupt the EFI shell again and now start the capsule update with the negative capsule:

EFI/BOOT/app/CapsuleApp.efi corstone1000-<fvp/mps3>-v5.uefi.capsule

The command above should fail and in the TF-M logs the following message should appear:

ERROR: flash_full_capsule: version error

Then, reboot manually:

Shell> reset

Make sure the Corstone-1000’s Poky Distro is booted again (Select Corstone-1000 Linux kernel boot) in order to check the results Negative scenario.

Select Corstone-1000 Linux kernel boot

Interrupt the U-Boot shell.

Hit any key to stop autoboot:

Run the following commands in order to run the Corstone-1000 Linux kernel and being able to check the ESRT table.

NOTE: Otherwise, the execution ends up in the ACS live image.

$ unzip $kernel_addr 0x90000000
$ loadm 0x90000000 $kernel_addr_r $filesize
$ bootefi $kernel_addr_r $fdtcontroladdr

Capsule update status

Positive scenario

In the positive case scenario, the software stack copies the capsule to the External Flash, which is shared between the Secure Enclave and Host, then a reboot is triggered. The TF-M accepts the capsule. The user should see following TF-M log in the Secure Enclave terminal (ttyUSB1) before the system reboots automatically, indicating the new capsule image is successfully applied, and the board boots correctly.

SysTick_Handler: counted = 10, expiring on = 360
SysTick_Handler: counted = 20, expiring on = 360
SysTick_Handler: counted = 30, expiring on = 360
metadata_write: success: active = 1, previous = 0
flash_full_capsule: exit
corstone1000_fwu_flash_image: exit: ret = 0

And after the reboot:

fmp_set_image_info:133 Enter
FMP image update: image id = 0
FMP image update: status = 0version=6 last_attempt_version=6.
fmp_set_image_info:157 Exit.
corstone1000_fwu_host_ack: exit: ret = 0

It’s possible to check the content of the ESRT table after the system fully boots.

In the Linux command-line run the following:

# cd /sys/firmware/efi/esrt/entries/entry0
# cat *

capsule_flags: 0x0
fw_class: 989f3a4e-46e0-4cd0-9877-a25c70c01329
fw_type: 0
fw_version: 6
last_attempt_status: 0
last_attempt_version: 6
lowest_supported_fw_ver: 0

Negative scenario

In the negative case scenario (rollback the capsule version), the TF-M detects that the new capsule’s version number is smaller then the current version. The capsule is rejected because of this. The user should see appropriate logs in the Secure Enclave terminal (ttyUSB1) before the system reboots itself.

  uefi_capsule_retrieve_images: image 0 at 0xa0000070, size=15654928
  uefi_capsule_retrieve_images: exit
  flash_full_capsule: enter: image = 0x0xa0000070, size = 7764541, version = 5
  ERROR: flash_full_capsule: version error
  private_metadata_write: enter: boot_index = 1
  private_metadata_write: success
  fmp_set_image_info:133 Enter
  FMP image update: image id = 0
  FMP image update: status = 1version=6 last_attempt_version=5.
  fmp_set_image_info:157 Exit.
  corstone1000_fwu_flash_image: exit: ret = -1
  fmp_get_image_info:232 Enter
  pack_image_info:207 ImageInfo size = 105, ImageName size = 34, ImageVersionName
  size = 36
  fmp_get_image_info:236 Exit

If capsule pass initial verification, but fails verifications performed during boot time, Secure Enclave will try new images predetermined number of times (defined in the code), before reverting back to the previous good bank.

metadata_write: success: active = 0, previous = 1
fwu_select_previous: in regular state by choosing previous active bank

It’s possible to check the content of the ESRT table after the system fully boots.

In the Linux command-line run the following:

# cd /sys/firmware/efi/esrt/entries/entry0
# cat *

capsule_flags: 0x0
fw_class: 989f3a4e-46e0-4cd0-9877-a25c70c01329
fw_type: 0
fw_version: 6
last_attempt_status: 1
last_attempt_version: 5
lowest_supported_fw_ver: 0

Linux distros tests

Debian install and boot preparation

There is a known issue in the Shim 15.7 provided with the Debian installer image (see below). This bug causes a fatal error when attempting to boot media installer for Debian, and it resets the platform before installation starts. A patch to be applied to the Corstone-1000 stack (only applicable when installing Debian) is provided to Skip the Shim. This patch makes U-Boot automatically bypass the Shim and run grub and allows the user to proceed with a normal installation. If at the moment of reading this document the problem is solved in the Shim, the user is encouraged to try the corresponding new installer image. Otherwise, please apply the patch as indicated by the instructions listed below. These instructions assume that the user has already built the stack by following the build steps of this documentation.

cd <_workspace>
git clone -b CORSTONE1000-2024.06
cp -f systemready-patch/embedded-a/corstone1000/shim/0001-arm-bsp-u-boot-corstone1000-Skip-the-shim-by-booting.patch meta-arm
cd meta-arm
git am 0001-arm-bsp-u-boot-corstone1000-Skip-the-shim-by-booting.patch
cd ..


kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-mps3.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c="bitbake u-boot trusted-firmware-a corstone1000-flash-firmware-image -c cleansstate; bitbake corstone1000-flash-firmware-image"


kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c="bitbake u-boot trusted-firmware-a corstone1000-flash-firmware-image -c cleansstate; bitbake corstone1000-flash-firmware-image"

On FPGA, please update the cs1000.bin on the SD card with the newly generated wic file.

NOTE: Skip the shim patch only applies to Debian installation. The user should remove the patch from meta-arm before running the software to boot OpenSUSE or executing any other tests in this user guide. You can make sure of removing the skip the shim patch by executing the steps below.

cd <_workspace>/meta-arm
git reset --hard HEAD~1
cd ..
kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c="bitbake u-boot -c cleanall; bitbake trusted-firmware-a -c cleanall; bitbake corstone1000-flash-firmware-image -c cleanall; bitbake corstone1000-flash-firmware-image"

Preparing the Installation Media

Download one of following Linux distro images:

NOTE: For OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, the user should look for a DVD Snapshot like openSUSE-Tumbleweed-DVD-aarch64-Snapshot<date>-Media.iso


To test Linux distro install and boot on FPGA, the user should prepare two empty USB sticks (minimum size should be 4GB and formatted with FAT32).

The downloaded iso file needs to be flashed to your USB drive. This can be done with your development machine.

In the example given below, we assume the USB device is /dev/sdb (the user should use the lsblk command to confirm).

NOTE: Please don’t confuse your host machine own hard drive with the USB drive. Then, copy the contents of the iso file into the first USB stick by running the following command in the development machine:

sudo dd if=<path-to-iso_file> of=/dev/sdb iflag=direct oflag=direct status=progress bs=1M; sync;


To test Linux distro install and boot on FVP, the user should prepare an mmc image. With a minimum size of 8GB formatted with gpt.

#Generating os_file
dd if=/dev/zero of=<_workspace>/os_file.img bs=1 count=0 seek=10G; sync;
parted -s os_file.img mklabel gpt

Debian/openSUSE install


Unplug the first USB stick from the development machine and connect it to the MSP3 board. At this moment, only the first USB stick should be connected. Open the following picocom sessions in your development machine:

sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0  # in one terminal
sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB2  # in another terminal.

When the installation screen is visible in ttyUSB2, plug in the second USB stick in the MPS3 and start the distro installation process. If the installer does not start, please try to reboot the board with both USB sticks connected and repeat the process.

NOTE: Due to the performance limitation of Corstone-1000 MPS3 FPGA, the distro installation process can take up to 24 hours to complete.


kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c "../meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --terminals=xterm -- -C board.msd_mmc.p_mmc_file=<_workspace>/os_file.img -C board.msd_mmc_2.p_mmc_file=<path-to-iso_file>"

The installer should now start. The OS will be installed on ‘os_file.img’.

Debian install clarifications

As the installation process for Debian is different than the one for openSUSE, Debian may need some extra steps, that are indicated below:

During Debian installation, please answer the following question:
  • “Force grub installation to the EFI removable media path?” Yes

  • “Update NVRAM variables to automatically boot into Debian?” No

If the grub installation fails, these are the steps to follow on the subsequent popups:

  1. Select “Continue”, then “Continue” again on the next popup

  2. Scroll down and select “Execute a shell”

  3. Select “Continue”

  4. Enter the following command:

in-target grub-install --no-nvram --force-extra-removable
  1. Enter the following command:

in-target update-grub
  1. Enter the following command:

  1. Select “Continue without boot loader”, then select “Continue” on the next popup

  2. At this stage, the installation should proceed as normal.

Debian/openSUSE boot after installation


Once the installation is complete, unplug the first USB stick and reboot the board. The board will then enter recovery mode, from which the user can access a shell after entering the password for the root user.


The platform should automatically boot into the installed OS image.

To cold boot:

kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c "../meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --terminals=xterm -- -C board.msd_mmc.p_mmc_file=<_workspace>/os_file.img"

The board will then enter recovery mode, from which the user can access a shell after entering the password for the root user.

NOTE: To manually enter recovery mode, once the FVP begins booting, you can quickly change the boot option in grub, to boot into recovery mode. This option will disappear quickly, so it’s best to preempt it.

Select ‘Advanced Options for ‘<OS>’ and then ‘<OS> (recovery mode)’.


Proceed to edit the following files accordingly:

#Only applicable to Debian
vi /etc/systemd/system.conf
#Only applicable to openSUSE
vi /usr/lib/systemd/system.conf

The system.conf has been moved from /etc/systemd/ to /usr/lib/systemd/ and directly modifying
the /usr/lib/systemd/system.conf is not working and it is getting overridden. We have to create
drop ins system configurations in /etc/systemd/system.conf.d/ directory. So, copy the
/usr/lib/systemd/system.conf to /etc/systemd/system.conf.d/ directory after the mentioned modifications.

The file to be edited next is different depending on the installed distro:

vi /etc/login.defs # Only applicable to Debian
vi /usr/etc/login.defs # Only applicable to openSUSE

To make sure the changes are applied, please run:

systemctl daemon-reload

After applying the previous commands, please reboot the board or restart the runfvp command.

The user should see a login prompt after booting, for example, for debian:

debian login:

Login with the username root and its corresponding password (already set at installation time).

NOTE: Debian/OpenSUSE Timeouts are not applicable for all systems. Some systems are faster than the others (especially when running the FVP) and works well with default timeouts. If the system boots to Debian or OpenSUSE unmodified, the user can skip this section.

PSA API tests

Run PSA API test commands (applicable to both FPGA and FVP)

When running PSA API test commands (aka PSA Arch Tests) on MPS3 FPGA, the user should make sure there is no USB stick connected to the board. Power on the board and boot the board to Linux. Then, the user should follow the steps below to run the tests.

When running the tests on the Corstone-1000 FVP, the user should follow the instructions in Running the software on FVP section to boot Linux in FVP host_terminal_0, and login using the username root.

First, load FF-A TEE kernel module:

insmod /lib/modules/*-yocto-standard/updates/arm-tstee.ko

Then, check whether the FF-A TEE driver is loaded correctly by using the following command:

cat /proc/modules | grep arm_tstee

The output should be similar to:

arm_tstee 16384 - - Live 0xffffffc000510000 (O)

Now, run the PSA API tests in the following order:


UEFI Secureboot (SB) test

Before running the SB test, the user should make sure that the FVP and FPGA software has been compiled and the ESP image for both the FVP and FPGA has been created as mentioned in the previous sections and user should use the same workspace directory under which sources have been compiled. The SB test is applicable on both the FVP and the FPGA and this involves testing both the signed and unsigned kernel images. Successful test results in executing the signed image correctly and not allowing the unsigned image to run at all.

Below steps are applicable to FVP as well as FPGA

Firstly, the flash firmware image has to be built for both the FVP and FPGA as follows:

For FVP,

kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c bitbake -c build corstone1000-flash-firmware-image"


kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-mps3.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c bitbake -c build corstone1000-flash-firmware-image"

In order to test SB for FVP and FPGA, a bash script is available in the systemready-patch repo which is responsible in creating the relevant keys, sign the respective kernel images, and copy the same in their corresponding ESP images.

Clone the systemready-patch repo under <_workspace. Then, change directory to where the script is and execute the script as follows:

git clone -b CORSTONE1000-2024.06
cd systemready-patch/embedded-a/corstone1000/secureboot/

NOTE: The efitools package is required to execute the script. Install the efitools package on your system, if it doesn’t exist.

The script is responsible to create the required UEFI secureboot keys, sign the kernel images and copy the public keys and the kernel images (both signed and unsigned) to the ESP image for both the FVP and FPGA.

./ -w <Absolute path to <workdir> directory under which sources have been compiled> -v <certification validity in days>
For ex: ./ -w "/home/xyz/workspace/meta-arm" -v 365
For help: ./ -h

NOTE: The above script is interactive and contains some commands that would require sudo password/permissions.

After executing the above script, the relevant keys and the signed/unsigned kernel images will be copied to the ESP images for both the FVP and FGPA. The modified ESP images can be found at the same location i.e.

For MPS3 FPGA : _workspace/meta-arm/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/corstone1000-esp-image-corstone1000-mps3.wic
For FVP       : _workspace/meta-arm/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-fvp/corstone1000-esp-image-corstone1000-fvp.wic

Now, it is time to test the SB for the Corstone-1000

Steps to test SB on FVP

Now, as mentioned in the previous section Prepare EFI System Partition, the ESP image will be used automatically in the Corstone-1000 FVP as the 2nd MMC card image. Change directory to your workspace and run the FVP as follows:

kas shell meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml:meta-arm/ci/debug.yml -c "../meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --terminals=xterm"

When the script is executed, three terminal instances will be launched, one for the boot processor (aka Secure Enclave) processing element and two for the Host processing element. On the host side, stop the execution at the U-Boot prompt which looks like corstone1000#. There is a timeout of 3 seconds to stop the execution at the U-Boot prompt. At the U-Boot prompt, run the following commands:

Set the current mmc device

corstone1000# mmc dev 1

Enroll the four UEFI Secureboot authenticated variables

corstone1000# load mmc 1:1 ${loadaddr} corstone1000_secureboot_keys/PK.auth && setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i ${loadaddr}:$filesize PK
corstone1000# load mmc 1:1 ${loadaddr} corstone1000_secureboot_keys/KEK.auth && setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i ${loadaddr}:$filesize KEK
corstone1000# load mmc 1:1 ${loadaddr} corstone1000_secureboot_keys/db.auth && setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i ${loadaddr}:$filesize db
corstone1000# load mmc 1:1 ${loadaddr} corstone1000_secureboot_keys/dbx.auth && setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i ${loadaddr}:$filesize dbx

Now, load the unsigned FVP kernel image and execute it. This unsigned kernel image should not boot and result as follows

corstone1000# load mmc 1:1 ${loadaddr} corstone1000_secureboot_fvp_images/Image_fvp
corstone1000# loadm $loadaddr $kernel_addr_r $filesize
corstone1000# bootefi $kernel_addr_r $fdtcontroladdr

Booting /MemoryMapped(0x0,0x88200000,0x236aa00)
Image not authenticated
Loading image failed

The next step is to verify the signed linux kernel image. Load the signed kernel image and execute it as follows:

corstone1000# load mmc 1:1 ${loadaddr} corstone1000_secureboot_fvp_images/Image_fvp.signed
corstone1000# loadm $loadaddr $kernel_addr_r $filesize
corstone1000# bootefi $kernel_addr_r $fdtcontroladdr

The above set of commands should result in booting of signed linux kernel image successfully.

Steps to test SB on MPS3 FPGA

Now, as mentioned in the previous section Prepare EFI System Partition, the ESP image for MPS3 FPGA needs to be copied to the USB drive. Follow the steps mentioned in the same section for MPS3 FPGA to prepare the USB drive with the ESP image. The modified ESP image corresponds to MPS3 FPGA can be found at the location as mentioned before i.e. _workspace/meta-arm/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/corstone1000-esp-image-corstone1000-mps3.wic. Insert this USB drive to the MPS3 FPGA and boot, and stop the execution at the U-Boot prompt similar to the FVP. At the U-Boot prompt, run the following commands:

Reset the USB

corstone1000# usb reset
resetting USB...
Bus usb@40200000: isp1763 bus width: 16, oc: not available
USB ISP 1763 HW rev. 32 started
scanning bus usb@40200000 for devices... port 1 high speed
3 USB Device(s) found
       scanning usb for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found

NOTE: Sometimes, the usb reset doesn’t recognize the USB device. It is recomended to rerun the usb reset command.

Set the current USB device

corstone1000# usb dev 0

Enroll the four UEFI Secureboot authenticated variables

corstone1000# load usb 0 $loadaddr corstone1000_secureboot_keys/PK.auth && setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i $loadaddr:$filesize PK
corstone1000# load usb 0 $loadaddr corstone1000_secureboot_keys/KEK.auth && setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i $loadaddr:$filesize KEK
corstone1000# load usb 0 $loadaddr corstone1000_secureboot_keys/db.auth && setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i $loadaddr:$filesize db
corstone1000# load usb 0 $loadaddr corstone1000_secureboot_keys/dbx.auth && setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i $loadaddr:$filesize dbx

Now, load the unsigned MPS3 FPGA linux kernel image and execute it. This unsigned kernel image should not boot and result as follows

corstone1000# load usb 0 $loadaddr corstone1000_secureboot_mps3_images/Image_mps3
corstone1000# loadm $loadaddr $kernel_addr_r $filesize
corstone1000# bootefi $kernel_addr_r $fdtcontroladdr

Booting /MemoryMapped(0x0,0x88200000,0x236aa00)
Image not authenticated
Loading image failed

The next step is to verify the signed linux kernel image. Load the signed kernel image and execute it as follows:

corstone1000# load usb 0 $loadaddr corstone1000_secureboot_mps3_images/Image_mps3.signed
corstone1000# loadm $loadaddr $kernel_addr_r $filesize
corstone1000# bootefi $kernel_addr_r $fdtcontroladdr

The above set of commands should result in booting of signed linux kernel image successfully.

Steps to disable Secureboot on both FVP and MPS3 FPGA

Now, after testing the SB, UEFI authenticated variables get stored in the secure flash. When you try to reboot, the U-Boot will automatically read the UEFI authenticated variables and authenticates the images before executing them. In normal booting scenario, the linux kernel images will not be signed and hence this will not allow the system to boot, as image authentication will fail. We need to delete the Platform Key (one of the UEFI authenticated variable for SB) in order to disable the SB. At the U-Boot prompt, run the following commands.

On the FVP

corstone1000# mmc dev 1
corstone1000# load mmc 1:1 $loadaddr corstone1000_secureboot_keys/PK_delete.auth && setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i $loadaddr:$filesize PK
corstone1000# boot

On the MPS3 FPGA

corstone1000# usb reset
corstone1000# usb dev 0
corstone1000# load usb 0 $loadaddr corstone1000_secureboot_keys/PK_delete.auth && setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i $loadaddr:$filesize PK
corstone1000# boot

The above commands will delete the Platform key (PK) and allow the normal system boot flow without SB.

Testing the External System

During Linux boot the remoteproc subsystem automatically starts the external system.

The external system can be switched on/off on demand with the following commands:

echo stop > /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state
echo start > /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state

Tests results

As a reference for the end user, reports for various tests for Corstone-1000 software (CORSTONE1000-2024.06) can be found here.

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